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Baked Vegetable Marrow

1 medium sized marrow. Half the marrow and scoop out the seeds and fill centere with the following stuffing :-

  • 2 teacups breadcumbs
  • 2 ozs. chopped fried bacon
  • 1 chopped fried onion
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
  • pepper and salt to taste.
  • Bacon fat or margerine melted

Pour fat over breadcrumbs and adda lttle cold water to moisten. Add other ingredients and mix well. Fill the tow halves and tie together with string. Spread the margerine or lay fat bacon over marrow and lace in greased casserole. Add a tablespoonful of water and cook in fairly hot oven from 1 to 1½ hours.

If bacon is not available use melted margarine and a little chopped cooked meat, or liver, or kidney, or grated cheese is quite good.