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Savoury Cod Pie

  • 1lb. cod cut in neat pieces
  • 6 small rashers streaky bacon
  • 8ozs. short pastry
  • Forcemeat

Put cod in saucepan with a little water and bring to the boil. Simmer 5 mins. Make forcemeat with
  • 1oz. breadcrumbs
  • ½oz. margarine
  • 1 tea-spoon chopped parsley
  • ¼ tea-spoon mixed herbs
  • a little grated lemon rind
  • milk or egg to bind
  • salt and pepper

Grease a pie dish and place the pieces of fish in it. Roll up the rashers of bacon tightly and arrange them round the dish and in between the pieces of fish. Form forcemeat into balls and place them among the fish and on the top. Almost cover the fish with a little of the liquor in which it was boiled.
Roll out the pastry thinly and cover the dish. bake in fairly hot oven 20 mins. to ½ hour.